Sunlight on a street to represent MATCH contacts


Valentina De Marchi MATCH project

Valentina De Marchi

is Associate Professor at the Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at ESADE Business School, Spain and Department of Economics and Management (University of Padova) and is the principal investigator of the project MATCH. She received her PhD in Economics and Management from University of Padova. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on understanding how environmental innovations and circular economy are implemented in the context of global value chains. Her research has been published in journals such as Research Policy, Economic Geography, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy & the Environment, International Journal of Production Economics among others. She is deputy editor of Journal of International Business Policy, Italian representative at the European International Business Academy (EIBA), and has been the president of the GRONEN association, and member of the organizing committee of Network O (Global Value Chains) within the SASE conference. She is the recipient of the 2022 International Business Review best paper award.

Anne Jeanne Jacqueminet MATCH project

Anne Jacqueminet

is Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Technology of Bocconi University. She received her PhD in Strategic Management from HEC Paris. Her research looks at the antecedents, processes and consequences of the strategic implementation of sustainability practices within complex organizations as well as stakeholders’ reactions to firms’ environmental behavior and disclosure. Her work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, the Journal of International Business Studies, among others. She received the AIB Peter Buckley and Mark Casson Best Dissertation Award in 2016 and the AIB Alan Rugman Young Scholar Award in 2021.

Elisa Giuliani MATCH project

Elisa Giuliani

is Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, where she is also founder and director of the Responsible Management Research Center. Elisa holds a Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Pisa. Elisa’s research is interdisciplinary. She is interested in understanding how companies contribute to or hamper societal wellbeing. She has published in peer-reviewed international journals, including Business & Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Cambridge Journal of Regions, the Economy and Society, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Regional Studies, Research Policy and World Development. She is Editor of Research Policy. She is listed in the Stanford/Elsevier’s Top 2% Scientist Ranking, highlighting the most cited scientists worldwide.

Francesco Rullani MATCH project

Francesco Rullani

is Professor at Venice School of Management – Ca’ Foscari, Director of the Impact Unit at the Yunus Social Business Centre of Venice and Founder of Bliss – Digital Impact Lab. He received his Ph.D. from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies. His research focuses on self-organized digital innovation, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, and social impact and employs big data analytics, theoretical elaboration, qualitative case studies and formal modeling. His publications appeared in Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Regional Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial and Corporate Change, and others. He has led and/or participated in projects financed by the European Union (e.g., H-2020, H-Europe), National and Regional Authorities (e.g., PRIN; POR FSE), companies and their associations (e.g., RetImpresa) and NGO’s (e.g., ActionAid).

Xiaoli Tang

Shirley Tang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University. She received her PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship from Washington University in St. Louis. Her research examines how corporations navigate conflicting stakeholder demands, exploring the decision processes and the effects on market structure, innovation, environmental practices, and societal well-being. Her current research focuses on corporate transparency, environmental regulation, and the interplay between business and politics. Her research has won multiple awards, including the Best Dissertation Award from the Industry Studies Association. Prior to academia, she was Deputy Director of Strategy and Business Development at China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec).